Had it really been impossible to find someone who could smuggle out a letter? 真的找不到一个能把信偷偷地带出去的人吗?
In interviews, Professor Tsien was sometimes asked why he assumed so grave a risk to smuggle books out of China. 在采访中,钱存训有时会被问及他为什么冒着那么大的危险将书偷运出中国。
In March, police arrested another Lebanese national who was attempting to smuggle$ 1.69 million worth of diamonds out of South Africa. 南非警方今年3月逮捕另一名涉嫌走私钻石出境的黎巴嫩男子,截获市值169万美元的钻石。
Smuggle their manuscripts out to the west? 将他们的手稿偷运到西方的吗?
He managed to smuggle a message out of prison to his friends. 他设法把音信从监狱偷带给了他的朋友。
If you wanna smuggle it out to china. 如果你想把它走私到中国。
After his arrest, Hanssen himself told his interrogators of how easy it was to smuggle information out of FBI headquarters. 汉森被捕后,曾亲口对讯问他的人员讲述将情报从FBI总部私带出来是多么容易的事。
She attempted to smuggle out her possessions. 她企图将她的财产私运出去。
Malicious behaviour is even harder to control, if a member of staff decides to smuggle a virus out of a facility. 如果一名工作人员决定把病毒偷偷地带出实验室,那么恶意行为就会更加难以控制。
During a visit paid to Sen last September in the same prison IPS found it impossible given the small size of the room and the eagle eyes of the officials to smuggle out a piece of paper. 访问期间,支付给森去年9月在同一个监狱的IPS发现它是不可能的-由于规模小,房间和鹰的眼中,官员-偷运出一张纸。
These men planned carefully to smuggle the stolen painting out of their country gut failed. 这些人周密地计划着要把偷来的画向外国走私,但失败了。
It's impossible to smuggle two more prisoners out of the prison camp. 再从战俘营里偷偷带出两名战俘是不可能的。